I'm getting it for Christmas.
Tom's brother, former staff.
Age 50, Male
Finished, for now.
Perkasie, PA
Joined on 12/15/99
I'm getting it for Christmas.
Nice Layout.
Go tell Johny Utah, he did it. :)
it's ok... but didn't play it long. anyone heard of gamefrog?
you never accepted my friend request so NO
I didn't? Maybe my list was full.
am a kick ass medic just need to pay for live this month.
No medics in COD4 that I know of. :)
When I get it, I'll try to find you and hunt you down. (Or cooperate. That works too)
My gamertag: Captain Chipper.
if you are good, i'll tell my bro so you can kick his ass
My 360 is getting repaird but I own everything in call of duty 4. Gamertag - AmeerThePrince
Is that game really good? I'm planning on buying it for the XBox if I get one for Christmas.
Double Tapped P90 with a silencer is where it's at
I'll have to give that a try. :)
Yeah maybe i'll be on later. Someones gotta keep you in line.
Yeah the game completely rocks...I'll have to add you if you still have space on your friend's list.
I heard it is the best of the Call of duty game lines but i am waiting to see so myself.
I wish I had an x-box so i could play games and beat your ass all night :(
I brought my COD4 to the office so I can play with you guys but Tim and Bob keep hoggin the Xboxs >:C
I prefer the Dragonov. I'll hop on sometime with you Wade.
that game is amazing the only thing is that it kinda mimics G.R.A.W 2 in a way
but other than that its a great shooter
even my mom plays it lol and she hates games
I had CoD 4 on my PS3, I got to level 52 to before I had to return it to Blockbuster, I've been aching to have my fix of CoD like a coke whore.
I really love this game, except that my tv is really weird, and isn't back lit! so I need to hook up some LED flashlights to my tv if I ever want to play it in the dark, do you have any suggestions?
What kind of TV? Brand? LCD, DLP?
BTW, I don't kick that much ass at it, I'm okay, but I'd do better with kick ass people helping on my team. :P