I haven't bothered with that game much. Not very good either. It was fun when I did play it though :D I'll still add if you want to kill me sometime.
Tom's brother, former staff.
Age 50, Male
Finished, for now.
Perkasie, PA
Joined on 12/15/99
I haven't bothered with that game much. Not very good either. It was fun when I did play it though :D I'll still add if you want to kill me sometime.
i can only help u wit halo :(
if ur playin that then invite me:
"natelys whcre"
You should of got the PC Version. I am assuming it has more players per server since Xbox games tend to have little per server.
I did it get it for the PC. The multiplayer isn't bad, but isn't that great either. If you ever played CoD2, you would know CoD4 is very similar in some aspects. Some new features, but the battling system, all the same. I wish they brought back the "Drive Vehicles" in the multiplayer, which they had in the Original Cod, don't know why they stopped doing that.
I have it for PC. Campaign took me about 5 hours to complete because it was that easy.
I would not mind play COD4 with you.
I would not mind to play COD4 with you.
To be more precise, i had the bandolier (for extra ammo), the camo Uzi w/ silencer, double tap as a second perk, and the third perk was martyr for deathmatch and UAV jamming for team battles. Hours of fun
we eventually unlocked the scope for the Uzi. That joke tells itself.
I never get to play a lot so I'm only level 30 D:
Sniping on multiplayer sucks for me I can't get the hang of it. I usually stick with the good old M16 or M4A1
Yeah, sniping can be a little tough, depends on the sniper rifle. You need to hold the button to hold your breath and wait for the cross hairs to settle down, especially for long range shots.
COD4 is the BEST game ever execept for Crysis! lamo
I just finshed COD4 yesterday, its so sad at the end:(
I will teabag you while making strange noises in COD4. :)
I have have it, but it looks amazing.
DON'T* Sorry for spamming :(
Actually, I suck horribly at CoD4, not only that, but no XBL and I'm broke. Ergo, I will not be joining up with WadeNG. :'(
i'm getting an xbox 360 for chrismas and i'm also getting COD4, i love the single player mode to its sick!!!
Will you still play Halo 3?
I'll probably still play Halo 3. The problem I have is I don't have a lot of time to play games, so when I do I usually stick to one game so I can get half decent at it. I was playing some GOW again, and will probably get back into Halo 3 at some point.
Ah, I was hoping you would post something like this. I never got around to trying to play you in H3, and once Call of Duty 4 came around, I just about stopped Halo cold turkey. Hopefully You can play with me and my friends sometime. We're fairly good at it, especially in a sabotage match- we almost always win.
By the way, a great class, I call "Runner" is somebody with an MP5, RPG (or smokes, your preference) Juggernaut, Martyrdom, and whichever pistol- don't worry about silencers though. It's almost a guaranteed class for lots of kills.
I got it for PC,but it says "Windows Vista only" so I will go and find a friend who has it and can like give it to me for a while...
Microsoft is just sucking more dicks with Vista,as even professionals say it sucks...
In fact,I have a interview to the Half-Life maker d00d and he says that Vista sucks because it's even more buggy than XP.
l do m8t it rocks lets kill nazis
double tapped uzi with silencer and uav jamming. also martyr.
This combo makes for HILARIOUS sneaking/rushing.
LOL. I'll have to try that set up. I wonder if there is any one combo of weapons and perks that is the best.