Just got back with the family from the Lehigh Valley Zoo, previously known as the Trexler Game Preserve. We had a good time as it's a smaller zoo, some what remote, and usually not very crowded. If you live near it, I encourage you to go with the family and help support it, as they need support to stay in business. My in-laws donated money to adopt the River Otter they keep there as a gift to my kids, and today was the first time we actually saw it swimming around. Normally it's just sleeping under a log. At one point it got out of the water, got ontop of a rock, turned it's back to the audience, took a shit, and then turned around and smelled it. The rest of the time it was pretty cute as you can see below. Here are some more ZOO PICTURES.
Our otters at our zoo rarely come out as well. That's nice you guys got to see one. :-)