We have tried to stay quiet about this, but ever since the redesign the review mod tools were down, even for me. So some people were getting away wth a lot of spammy reviews, abusive reviews, etc. However, they will no longer be getting away with it! The tools are fixed and the review mods are back at it. So keep flagging those abusive reviews! The review mods currently have a big back log of abusive reviews to sort through and judge, over 26,000 at the moment!
So a lot of users will be getting PM's from M-Bot informing them they had reviews deleted, were banned from reviewing, etc. The review mods have a big job ahead of them so please deal with whatever judgments they make. If you feel your review wasn't abusive, try to resubmit it, but try to be extra careful to follow our review guidelines. If you feel strongly that your review wasn't abusive you can PM me a copy and I will review it.
Alright, Good to hear! So so much long you think before we can see our reviews?