I'm sorry? 60 kills and 1 death? What? Who's that with the m16?
Who doesn't have a P90 yet? :(
Tom's brother, former staff.
Age 50, Male
Finished, for now.
Perkasie, PA
Joined on 12/15/99
I'm sorry? 60 kills and 1 death? What? Who's that with the m16?
Who doesn't have a P90 yet? :(
Dammit i get alot of errors with COD4 on my PS3 =(
Come to think of it, Kali was down last night too.
wade, What's your Timezone? if it's manageable, i'll send a Freind request. ok?
restart your connection, that helped for me.
The Guitar Hero 2 controller was by far the best part of that night.
i guess cod4 is still having problems, halo 3 is not, for me at least. why not play halo 3... with me=) add me TehFreek =)
Thanks for accepting my Live friend request (ComradePoos)
Sorry, can't help much. all i know is that my xbl and cod 4 usually work fine, and although there is a higher rate of me getting disconnected, i still get in a few good games. My freinds have been having similar probs, and I don't have a clue about what is causing it (could it be based on when you signed up, such as the server your user data is stored on?). I doubt you can fix it yourself. Seems like a bug with XBL overall.
Too bad you don't have me on Xbox live, the GT is Rumpoles
So there IS something wrong with the COD4 servers. Have problems with the online play myself, but i thought it just was something wrong with the online connection...
Damn, hope they fix it soon.
cod4 was cood but cod3 is alot better
Check the Xbox live website, people say it's with them, not CoD4. I have yellow connection and get in games easily though
i love that game!
ever since christmas alot of ppl got on xbox live then it slowed the server down so its hard to play... oh and btw THE CAKE IS A LIE
I hope they arrange the problem on COD4, i finished all the game in 3 days and went to play online and i couldnt. No one can, i checked with my school friends and they said the same thing that they cant play online. So i think only a few people can play COD4 online.I hope they arrange this soon cause i want to play online :-)!
I know what you mean the server for COD4 has had some issues lately like today I just played like 3 games and it wouldnt connetc anymore after that.
To any of the Newgrounds members on CoD4 during that night:
Who remembers me trying to play with the Guitar Hero II controller?
You're still on your first tour? wow, talkabout weaksauce :p
Its the influx of new players on live and on the games, it comes and goes, that or your connection sucks.