GO GO POWER RANGERS! Wades kids spring into action. Uh oh, his kids head fell off. :0
Tom's brother, former staff.
Age 50, Male
Finished, for now.
Perkasie, PA
Joined on 12/15/99
GO GO POWER RANGERS! Wades kids spring into action. Uh oh, his kids head fell off. :0
the concept of power rangers comes right from Japan, where they have the TV shows like that everywhere, and the reason there are so many is because in Japan, every season or whatever the heroes change, or there's different characters completely...so, all of the new shit is actually closer to the original concept than the original series.
also, I liked power rangers when I was younger...Up until the first series ended, I couldn't keep up with the new ones at all...and I was getting older anyway
You're kids will grow out of liking them.
I have a younger brother who likes the power ranger toys, bugs the hell out of me but sooner or later he will move on.
Once your kids are old enough, maybe they should get familiar to newgrounds ;) (if they dont already have an account).
you have KIDS!!!111 O_o
No, you cant let them get close to newgrounds, that will destroy their minds forever...
I have a Red Ranger toy.
I bought it maany years ago.
It's pretty neat actually.
It's fully articulated, it's resistent and it dosen't fall of when I want him to stand.
It comes with three weapons or so, and they don't fall off the ranger's body.
Also, the visor lights up and makes a weird sound.
And NO, it wasn't as expensive as you might be thinking.
Hmm, I wonder where did that toy went...
maybe it is meant to be on the shelves in some glass case, or maybe its just some cheap toy
i had toys from when the show first began, now... now those things are being used for who know what
Wow I believe my 4 year old cousin has the exact same red power ranger toy! It really does suck ass. I had to try and get those stupid things on to it. It never stayed. They really are shitty, shitty toys. And after he bought that one he wanted more. I can only assume that since Christmas passed that he has a collection of the toys.
Oh the toy had a "game" on it. Press the button when the head lights up. Does the one your kids have do that? It would say something if you missed and something different if you hit.
My older brother used to love them. Thats going back about 10 years now. Ever since they called the Black one Spider Attack I stopped watching. Thats going well into the 90s.
I never liked that show either... just too damn cheesy.
I just wanna say that you wade are a ass i send you a pm for my idea i sent you at myspace all i wanted was you to get back to me you could of said yes or no or even hell no but you sir are full of shit thank you very much.
Here's your PM "Hey Dude I want to talk to you about super M.s paint Brawl its a cool thread in the BBS Forums. Well whats this is about is that every body in there wants to see this as a flash animation i was wondering if you can check it out see if you like it and make a series or a parody of the thread. I hope you can get back to me on this subject."
Maybe if you provided me with a link to the topic I would have checked it out and replied, but I don't have time to deal with people who PM me a bunch of shit and don't give me a link or anything to help me find what they are trying to show me.
Was that the noise I kept hearing from you when we were playing COD4? And now you're stuck with those toys until your kids get bored and move on. May I suggest a tissue?
Also, I remember liking the original Power Rangers back in grade school, and having a few of the toys. That and TMNT engrossed my childhood. But goddamn that was like 12 years ago. I can't believe they're still selling those toys.
My 8 year old brother had one until I picked it up snapped its arm off (by accident).
I then flushed the whole thing down the toilet, so he couldn't find out! LOL!
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/401846">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /401846</a>
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/377791">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /377791</a>
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/339918">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /339918</a>
I think I watched one powerranger episode, once, didn't like it much, that's basicly all the pwoerranger experience I've had my entire life. The powers are out of range.
All I really remember about the Power Rangers is the horrible special effects with too much green screen time.
I'll admit to having had Power Rangers toys as a kid, even up to age 12. I'll also admit to liking the original Power Rangers TV show. But you've gotta understand, I was a kid, I didn't get how cheesy it was.
Oh yeah, I used to be all about the power rangers. I liked the ORIGINALS though, I stopped watching and caring when they did all their weird outer space alien overdrive turbo zeo shit.
Seems like the toys were a bit better back then- I never had trouble getting them to hold their weapons, and the zord shit worked for the most part. Armor was definitely a pain in the ass, and it was just like you said- it kind of pressed on, then fell off with a bump. Bleh.
I sold all of my figures to some little kid at a yard sale many years ago
I loved the power rangers lol it got lame after Galaxy though (it was lame to begin with not that i think about it but when i was younger it was awesome :P)
The only good power rangers toy was the one with the flipping head from human to mask.
Also my talking sword from the White Ranger... oh yeah.
Every generation of power rangers gets crappier, i don't even wanna imagine the toys :(