Bah! R700? The real man uses the M9.
Tom's brother, former staff.
Age 50, Male
Finished, for now.
Perkasie, PA
Joined on 12/15/99
Bah! R700? The real man uses the M9.
When I buy it and get my XBL subscription renewed. My gamertag is J4KEL1VE
I think call of duty 4 is better than halo 3. its more fun and has alot less bs calls in it. atleast when i die in COD4 i know it was my fault and not something stupid. and the campaign is fun on COD4 also, i just wish they made a co-op campaign
hey man ill play some halo 3 wit cha dont got COD4 but i borrowed it frm blockbuster and beat it in one week but never got to play on XBL because i didnt have it then just got it last week so u wanna play on some halo 3 my name there is rampage HI
AK and ACOG for the real man
If only you had a Ps3, then we could play together. :'(
If you can aim: MP5 silence, stopping power, deep impact (all will die)
I'll send you a message and play with you some time ^^. I sometimes kick ass, sometimes not. We will see.
Gamertag: Darkstar1590
Wade I will destroy you in COD4 and I just got it LEVEL one :) Heavy assault soulassasin732 on XBL oh yea and if you play halo 3 bring it on :)