Name change please. :3
Tom's brother, former staff.
Age 50, Male
Finished, for now.
Perkasie, PA
Joined on 12/15/99
Name change please. :3
i wish it was like that in canada, wudnt hav to go to school,just stay home on ng
Kevin got me too
I think this is a problem : EyeLovePoozy locked the furries thread because it was turning into a chatroom. He said it was temporary, but then said it would probably be forever because, as he put it, "furries are fuckin weird". Now he's locking all furry threads in the Bbs because he thinks furries are weird. Is this an abuse of power?
Holy shit nipples, Wade!
Take care, we don't want you to get your dick frozen, do we?
No offense to the guy above me you even let anyone spam you like MisterWonderful?And no offense to you either you log-in everyday to see comments on your posts and then respond to them?
are you brother of tom fulp? cool!
more snow man thats harsh
becare coulde be dangerous out there
Damn...I wish I lived over there!! I dont mind the snow, its the sun and heat that really chaps my ass (literally).
Fucking do something
hi wade
Mr. Fulp, is it okay to send you a complaint about an inappropriate flash through PM instead of e-mail?
You need to update your news posts more often.
He's right.
Um can you please ban this person named Seanjoystick? He's made a submission called "ALVIN EARTHWORM ****ING!" Alvin is a great flash maker.
hey wade!!! tell tom or someone... about this <a href=""> e20</a> funny guy!
My god this snow storm has been going since Feb. 9?! Wow you guys must be covered in snow now!
The hive cluster is under attack.