yu gi oh is what i have if interested send pm - goldwolf97
Tom's brother, former staff.
Age 50, Male
Finished, for now.
Perkasie, PA
Joined on 12/15/99
yu gi oh is what i have if interested send pm - goldwolf97
carefull people make fun of kids now a days for playing with trading cards
I have some pretty good cards but i dont think i can ship em.My son like pokemon.
Maybe you can get him the game for the DS, or maybe be a cheap ass and get him a game boy colour and get him red version and tell him that old is the new, umm... new.
Hey Wade.
I am planning on sending my old pokemon cards. Is it cool with you if i send my old Yu-Gi-Oh card and Magic the gathering cards with them?
woopwoop! if he's into pokemon, sooner or later, he'll be into emulators :)
I had tons of cards, and i mean TONS! i had over 700 cards of the original series (including a fairly rare zapdos). But the thing is i H-A-D cards like that. I recycled them to my school and i got around 20 bucks for them. Meh, i was a kid. I'd do anything for money :p Besides, i was into yugioh then :p
NOo im keeping all my cards
How many cards arrived, Wade?
like 20 thousands? :P
i love pokemon
I've got a ton of em that I don't use any more, but the only problem is that i'm moving to Riyahd and i'm not to sure how the mail gets sent, but as soon as i find out i'll send you a letter containing them.
What?! Well, I do have some decent pokemon cards... Stopped collecting them because there's no one to play with...
Oh and btw, be careful Mr.Wade, soon your son will probably beg you for a starter deck... like me :D
btw, have you told your family about Newgrounds?
I just gave all mine to a niegbouring kid
Cool, does he have a favorite pokemon?
well you don,t have to give him/her cards just give him/her a pokemon video game.
p.s:this is a very important advice please follow the instructions above.
I'll send you some of my old ones. I'm a first generation pokemon fan and he may appreciate som of my old ones. I got you homie. God Bless.
i sent you a classic mewtwo the first mewtwo card made