Do your research, in case you look ungrateful. Aid offered by foreign countries and groups to help the U.S. with Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, according to the State Department:
Afghanistan: $100,000
Albania: $300,000 pledged
Armenia: $200,000 pledged
Australia: $7.6 million
Austria: tarps, camp beds
Azerbaijan: $500,000
Bahamas: $50,000 pledged
Bahrain: $5 million pledged
Bangladesh: $1 million pledged
Belgium: operations teams, generators, water pumps, nine-member logistical team to work with the Red Cross
Bosnia/Herzegovina: $6,414 pledged
Cambodia: $20,000 pledged
Canada: $5 million
China: $5.1 million, 1,000 tents, 600 generators, bed sheets
Cyprus: $50,000
That takes us to D. Want to go on? The full list is here:
<a href=""></a>
That just usetting to see it just brakes my hart. that goes to show do not underestimate the power of mother nature. People need to take the thim out of ther day to help the victoms of there tragitys.